(existe en version US & PAL)

Niveau 2 - le temple     : SD1
Niveau 3 - le labyrinthe : BMH
Niveau 4 - les enfers    : MGB

Codes Action Replay
7E01 5318 = énergie infinie
7E01 56FF + 7E01 57FF = 65000 de thunes
7E01 DB09 = vies infinies

Codes Game Génie
1DE7-31E8       Shields last until at least end of the world--if you get stuck, switch off
C269-C1EB       Infinite lives
A284-35EC       Items you can afford in the shops are free
DF3C-4073       Start with 2 lives
D93C-4073       Start with 6 lives
DB3C-4073       Start with 10 lives